

The first work of the pi-Paintings
from Marius D.Kettler. These are abstract works in a round form with multiple variations and configurations of one motif. Many parts in the painting have certain areas where forms fit together and create new constellations of the forms in the painting, abstraction in motion. One paintig that can function like a film in your head...

pi-Painting-001 | 2025

| pi-Painting | 001 | 65x65x1,2cm (ohne Mechanik) | 2025 |

aip Galerie

a.i.p. galerie – project space | artists in progress

Suarezstr. 8 - 14057 Berlin-Charlottenburg - 030 89 00 59 73 - Öffnungszeiten: Do. + Fr.: 15 - 19 Uhr; Sa.: 11 - 15 Uhr und nach tel. Vereinbarung.

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Marius D. Kettler
Suarezstraße 8
14057 Berlin
Deutschland /Germany

Tel.: 030 89005973
E-Mail: aip@aip-info.com

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